Keep abreast of all
activities happening in the
field from your Inbox.

Get Proactive and not Reactive. You’ll sleep

better knowing what is happening across the

day and evening.

freshOps helps your Duty of Care to your employees,

by notifying you if things aren’t going to plan.

freshOps Alerts and Notifications enable you to keep your finger on the pulse of your field activities at all times. Be notified of all the important things that can affect your business operations and service delivery. Don’t just cross your fingers and hope the cleaning fairies do their job. Know the second they don’t.

Employee safety and security is your biggest responsibility. freshOps helps your Duty of Care to your employees, by notifying you if things aren’t going to plan.

View the Job in Question quickly by clicking View in freshOps or from Mobile Email, quickly Call Employee to check everything is okay and get an instant update.

Get Proactive and not Reactive. You’ll sleep better knowing what is happening across the day.

  • Late Shift Notifications

    Late Shift Notifications keep you ahead of the game by alerting you if your team are running late to a scheduled job.

  • Incomplete Task Notifications

    Be notified if your team fail to complete any specific tasks onsite

  • Over- Run Notifications

    Get notified if your team have spent too much time on site

  • Daily & Weekly Digests

    Daily & Weekly Digests straight to your Inbox with Overview of the Day’s or Week’s activities and performance


The most trusted scheduling and performance management software for cleaning businesses